Parent Panel

March 6, 2012

Top 10 lessons from our parent panel

  1. Love them unconditionally. You might disagree with their choices and be hurt, but love them without fail.
  2. Parent out of trust and try to avoid fear. Easier said than done.
  3. Ask for help.  If your single or married ask for help. God has given us the “body” for a reason. Surround your kids with other adults who can provide a positive influence.
  4. Choose your battles and stay consistent.
  5. Know your kids. Quality and quantity is the only way to truly know your kids.
  6. Each kid will need to be parented differently. What works with one, might not with the other.
  7. You cannot force your kids to love God, but you can expose them to the things of God.
  8. Prayer is your greatest weapon!
  9. Be the parent not their friend. Friendship will come later.
  10. Don’t freak out–it’s adolescence–perfect kids not included. It’s not a question of if they mess up, it’s what will you do when they do mess up?

Parents I had a great time with all of you over the last four weeks.  I will continue to remain connected with you through e-mails and this site.  Please feel free to ask questions or share concerns.  If you would like to grab time together in the future you can calL April to get something set up.

I’d be happy to meet with you and talk.

Phone:260 493-7400

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